Tag: Saudi Arabia
Plenty of content marketing opportunity for Middle East brands

With some 60 million Facebook users, 7 million Twitter users and some of the highest Youtube download rates in the world, it’s no secret that the Arab world has become a big online consumer of content. Social media has ceased to be the sole preserve of geeks and wealthy English-speaking college students and, today, the Middle […]
Saudi plans to regulate Youtube

The Saudi government is planning to monitor and regulate YouTube and other online channels, having this week entrusted the task to its General Commission for Audiovisual Media, established last year to regulate the broadcast industry. There has even been talk of issuing permits to Youtube subscribers, which would appear to signal the introduction of a […]
Taking a bite out of the CITC

‘Biting the hand that feeds IT’ is UK-based The Register’s amusing theme line, a reference to the IT news website’s irreverent editorial style, which often has harsh criticism for IT company announcements, spokespeople and other IT news. This week, Saudi Arabia’s English language newspaper the Arab News seems to have decided to do some biting of its own, running a […]
Spirit of the Arab world

It’s that time of year when digital companies all over the world punt annual sum-up reports in an attempt to generate some nice end-of-year publicity (watch out for ours!). Google’s popular Zeitgeist online report on popular search terms has just been published and it makes interesting reading for those watching search trends and online behaviour. However, […]
Facebook Arabic triumphs after Arab Spring

Middle East & North Africa users of Facebook’s Arabic interface reach 15.6 million, accounting for 39% of all users in the region. It doesn’t seem long ago that marketers considered Facebook a minority interest and lacking in reach outside of a few select English speaking audiences in the Middle East and North Africa*. The social […]
Facebook Arabic Rising

User of Facebook’s Arabic language interface now account for more than a third of all Facebook users in the Arab world with Facebook Arabic growing at 175% per annum.
32% of MENA Internet users buy online

Hampered by a lack of online payment infrastructure and the high cost of broadband, e-commerce has been slow to develop in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and although there are some notable e-commerce pioneers, few online ventures in the region encourage Internet users to buy online. However, as the region’s consumers spend more […]
Facebook adds 1 million more Arabic users
Facebook’s Arabic platform has added 1 million new users during the past three months, showing important trends in Facebook’s changing MENA demographics.
Media consumption & habits of MENA Internet users

Scroll down the page for survey download links The figures in our new Media Consumption & Habits of MENA Internet Users Survey simply confirm what everyone involved in the Middle East’s growing digital marketing industry has already been talking about for the past year or two: Internet connectivity has become pervasive amongst many of our […]
Facebook bigger than newspapers? So what?

Does this mean the death of newspapers? Not quite… The seventeen countries we included in the Middle East and Northern Africa Facebook Demographics study have widely varied news media: some, like the UAE, have strong English news components while others, like North Africa, have strong French language daily and weekly news media. When you look […]