Tag: North Africa
Ooredoo or just plain redo?

In the age of 24/7 online news and social media, what reaction should brands expect to receive from a major global announcement? Many marketers would expect the answer, and the preparation required to harness the benefit of such a reaction, to be second nature to most global brands. However, it seems that this is not […]
Has the Arab Spring turned into a torrent of cash?

Whilst debate continues, even now, on how pivotal the role social media was in the revolutions of the Arab Spring, there can be no doubt that Arab digital activism woke up businesses and governments across the world to the potential of new digital media. In the Middle East the change in attitudes towards digital media […]
Welcome to MENA, LinkedIn!

As big fans of LinkedIn, we’re pleased to see Mountain View’s LinkedIn Corp. finally set up a Middle East and North Africa office. I am a keen business networker and I’m very happy with LinkedIn’s business focus and conservative approach to enabling business networking, even if it’s meant having to wait quite a long time […]
What were those Facebook stats again?

How many Facebook subscribers are there in ‘the region’? It all depends on your point of view. Those that are confused by the different social media statistics being shared on ‘the region’ can be excused. It is confusing. Here are some alternative figures on Middle East and North Africa and Arab world Facebook users. 1. […]
Facebook Arabic triumphs after Arab Spring

Middle East & North Africa users of Facebook’s Arabic interface reach 15.6 million, accounting for 39% of all users in the region. It doesn’t seem long ago that marketers considered Facebook a minority interest and lacking in reach outside of a few select English speaking audiences in the Middle East and North Africa*. The social […]
The Freedom Meme

A new report from the University of Washington’s Project on Information Technology and Political Islam comes to the conclusion that social media played a central role in the events we have all come to call ‘The Arab Spring’. Ever since the events of early 2011 started to unfold around the region, there has been debate […]
Facebook Arabic Rising

User of Facebook’s Arabic language interface now account for more than a third of all Facebook users in the Arab world with Facebook Arabic growing at 175% per annum.
Strong MENA interest in mobile apps

The latest Effective Measure | Spot On PR survey shows that 85 percent of mobile Internet users in the Arab world download apps.
Egypt Facebook demographics

Egypt leads the Arab world in numbers of Facebook subscribers, with 5 million members. Here’s are updated Facebook demographics.
Can we say Twitter revolution now? Can we?
There’s already been quite a lot written about the role of social media in the ousting of Tunisia’s President Ben Ali. Here’s our 2 cents worth, plus a list of useful links for anyone interested in learning about the role of social media in Tunisia’s regime change.