Tag: demographics
Egypt Facebook demographics

Egypt leads the Arab world in numbers of Facebook subscribers, with 5 million members. Here’s are updated Facebook demographics.
Is social media really that important for marketers in the Arab World?
We’re now quite used to people looking at us aghast as we talk about the importance of social media in communications and marketing strategy. Reactions often include incredulity, annoyance, perplexity, anger and even, occasionally, well-reasoned disagreement. How can we have such certainty in the critical role of social media and in the Arab world, of […]
32% of MENA Internet users buy online

Hampered by a lack of online payment infrastructure and the high cost of broadband, e-commerce has been slow to develop in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and although there are some notable e-commerce pioneers, few online ventures in the region encourage Internet users to buy online. However, as the region’s consumers spend more […]
Media consumption & habits of MENA Internet users

Scroll down the page for survey download links The figures in our new Media Consumption & Habits of MENA Internet Users Survey simply confirm what everyone involved in the Middle East’s growing digital marketing industry has already been talking about for the past year or two: Internet connectivity has become pervasive amongst many of our […]
A particularly delicious cake
A new survey highlights that there is enthusiasm for behavioural targeting and concern over privacy issues in almost equal measure.
Twitter & Customer Service Survey

Scroll down the page for survey download links Summary It’s now well publicised that the rapid growth Twitter experienced during 2008 and the first months of 2009 slowed dramatically towards the end of 2009, although ending the year with 75 million user accounts. Twitter activity, on the other hand, grew from 5,000 tweets per day […]
Spot On PR’s MENA Twitter Demographics & User Habits Survey

Scroll down the page for survey download links Summary 2009 has been a big year for Twitter with the micro-blogging platform’s rate of growth rocketing up to more than 20% per month and now showing annual growth of 1,460 percent (June 2008 to June 2009) according to Comscore. Although it’s still early days for Twitter […]