Tag: Content
Five website content questions to ask yourself for 2019

Does your website content need an update for 2019? Here are five simple content questions that your organisation should ask itself now to support 2019 website performance. One of the most exciting things about today’s marketing is the sheer pace of it. Technology continues to shorten campaign cycles and what we did just a couple […]
GITEX Digital Strategies

It’s almost GITEX time and Alexander McNabb will, once again, be chairing the GITEX Digital Strategies Forum. The Forum takes place on Wednesday 15 October 2014 during GITEX Technology Week 2014 and will take delegates through global digital consumer trends, digital marketing strategy and planning, mobile marketing , digital CSR, one:one marketing and more. You’ll find the full agenda […]
Facebook rules, regs and crime

The UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) announced a whitepaper on Facebook usage guidelines, terms and conditions this week, to a grateful press that reported on TRA ‘warnings’ to Facebook users. As usual, we ask ourselves the question; how relevant is this for brands online? The whitepaper is, in fact, a good, readable summary of Facebook […]
Plenty of content marketing opportunity for Middle East brands

With some 60 million Facebook users, 7 million Twitter users and some of the highest Youtube download rates in the world, it’s no secret that the Arab world has become a big online consumer of content. Social media has ceased to be the sole preserve of geeks and wealthy English-speaking college students and, today, the Middle […]
Is Arab content really a lost cause?

It’s no secret that the Arab world has lagged behind in content creation. Conference speakers have been decrying the lack of Arabic language content for years. According to various sources, Arabic language content accounts for less than 3% of the content on the web (1%, 2.5% and 3% have been quoted), despite the fact that […]
Saudi plans to regulate Youtube

The Saudi government is planning to monitor and regulate YouTube and other online channels, having this week entrusted the task to its General Commission for Audiovisual Media, established last year to regulate the broadcast industry. There has even been talk of issuing permits to Youtube subscribers, which would appear to signal the introduction of a […]
Could your brand commit a content crime?

News media in the United Arab Emirates have reported this week that posting images or video of someone in the Emirates without their consent is a crime punishable by up to AED 500,000 (about US$136,000) and a prison sentence of up to six months (read The National’s story here). To those familiar with the […]
Create more compelling content

Five questions to ask your content before you let it go into the wild The Internet these days is getting pretty busy. There are millions of us out there churning out words and adding them to the growing pile for dumpster diver Google to sift through and select whenever someone has a question. How can […]
The problem with content

One of today’s persistent business challenges is protecting and monetising content and digital intellectual property. The Internet is great at providing tools to display content and make it accessible to millions across the world. However, that same global access combined with Internet technologies’ ease-of-use make it all the easier to copy, abuse and misuse content […]
A wake-up call for aspiring citizen journalists in the UAE (and lessons for Middle East marketers)

The story is now well known and has received media coverage around the world. An incident of road rage in Dubai captured on video by a bystander and posted online inadvertently breaches United Arab Emirates laws, resulting in the arrest of the citizen journalist a couple of days later, even though he removed the video […]