Arrival of Apple Pay puts new pressure on UAE omnichannel strategies

Will the arrival of Apple Pay in the UAE create a new sense of urgency for aspiring omnichannel retailers? Now that the country has a wide choice of mobile payment options, mobile-first strategies should finally be able to pay their own way. Few can have missed the fanfare surrounding Apple Pay‘s launch in the UAE […]
Will mobile break online advertising?

As mobile becomes the Middle East’s marketing platform of choice, more and more brands are investing in mobile advertising. However, consumers don’t seem to want more mobile ads. This week the mobile operators association GSMA confirmed the United Arab Emirate’s position as one of the most advanced mobile markets in the world, with 80 percent […]
UAE is world smartphone leader

The United Arab Emirates leads the world in smartphone penetration, with 74% of mobile subscribers carrying one of the natty little devils in their pockets. The Emirates is closely followed by South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Norway in the ranking, compiled by Statista from the results of Google’s ‘Our Global Planet’ survey. Amazingly, the […]
iPad chat
Alexander McNabb appeared on Dubai Eye radio’s Business Breakfast today to talk about the launch of Apple’s new iPad, which boasts an HD screen, powerful graphics and improved photo and video editing features. If you missed the show, you can listen to the podcast below anytime! Listen to the podcast Alexander McNabb on Apple’s ‘iPad […]
The Year Of Mobile?

I’ve been listening to technology pundits predict each new year to be the year of mobile for many years now. Some have written so many annual opinion pieces heralding “The Year Of Mobile” that it almost defies belief that they can still write about it with the same conviction. I might be forgiven for filtering […]