Online advertising in the Middle East

Wednesday’s Dubai Eye radio’s #Unwired weekly digital programme featured a special segment on online advertising in the Middle East & North Africa featuring Spot On PR’s own Alexander McNabb; Professor John Grainger Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Vice President Academic Services of Murdoch University in Dubai; Kamal Dimachkie, Executive Regional Managing Director of Leo Burnett; Google […]
Should you outsource your conversation?

There’s lots of stuff we do with clients building digital communications programmes, from SEO auditing through to setting up and populating social media platforms. But the one thing we recommend against is take the whole thing off your hands. There’s a problem with outsourcing your conversation, you see. It simply doesn’t work. We’ll happily work […]
Is social media really that important for marketers in the Arab World?
We’re now quite used to people looking at us aghast as we talk about the importance of social media in communications and marketing strategy. Reactions often include incredulity, annoyance, perplexity, anger and even, occasionally, well-reasoned disagreement. How can we have such certainty in the critical role of social media and in the Arab world, of […]
The Sustainable Corporation

I’m doing quite a lot of conference speaking thingies this Autumn, so apologies in advance to anyone who suffers in one of those audiences. I’m particularly looking forward to the MediaME Conference in Amman on the 8th and 9th November, I’m genuinely pumped (but retained as a consultant by, so please take a pinch of […]
32% of MENA Internet users buy online

Hampered by a lack of online payment infrastructure and the high cost of broadband, e-commerce has been slow to develop in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and although there are some notable e-commerce pioneers, few online ventures in the region encourage Internet users to buy online. However, as the region’s consumers spend more […]
Are you engaging the right fans?

As a communications and marketing agency that helps run a number of social media programs, we spend quite a lot of time looking at Middle East social media marketing campaigns from around the region. It’s still early days, but the number of brands experimenting with social media in the Middle East is growing and, as […]
Market monopolies

I have always been terribly fond of the image of a small urchin throwing a stone to knock the top-hat off the fat, pompous businessman. I’ve even run campaigns based around the concept in the past, where we’ve been working against an incumbent telco on behalf of the challenger. Taking the role of the urchin, […]

When was the last time someone told you a joke? I mean told, not emailed or Tweeted, texted or linked. It struck me the other day – it’s been ages. And it struck me because someone did tell me a joke – prefacing the gag with “Hey, I got this on email the other day, […]