Carrington Malin
Carrington Malin is co-founder of Spot On and has been managing sales, marketing, media and communications campaigns across the Middle East for more than 20 years. He likes technology, surfing and chicken liver salad. You can contact Carrington via Twitter at @carringtonmalin or via his website www.carringtonmalin.com
Carrington Malin's Latest Posts
Update: Egypt revolution reading list

The Egyptian people’s uprising is undoubtedly one of the most shocking, significant and, some would say, hopeful major socio-political events (update: and now must be said highly dangerous!) that we’ve seen in our 16 years of business in the Arab world. So, as many are, we’re following developments quite closely and have been glued to […]
Egypt Facebook demographics

Egypt leads the Arab world in numbers of Facebook subscribers, with 5 million members. Here’s are updated Facebook demographics.
Can we say Twitter revolution now? Can we?
There’s already been quite a lot written about the role of social media in the ousting of Tunisia’s President Ben Ali. Here’s our 2 cents worth, plus a list of useful links for anyone interested in learning about the role of social media in Tunisia’s regime change.
Ten Middle East digital predictions for 2011

Communications and marketing agency Spot On’s top ten digital marketing predictions for the Middle East in 2011.
GITEX 2010 Social Media Dashboard
Its GITEX time again and GITEX 2010, the Middle East’s biggest regional IT show, takes place October 17th through 21st. So, just for a little fun, we’ve created a dashboard of social media updates using one of our favourite social media services, Netvibes: http://www.netvibes.com/gitex Netvibes can be a really useful tool and we often set […]
Is social media really that important for marketers in the Arab World?
We’re now quite used to people looking at us aghast as we talk about the importance of social media in communications and marketing strategy. Reactions often include incredulity, annoyance, perplexity, anger and even, occasionally, well-reasoned disagreement. How can we have such certainty in the critical role of social media and in the Arab world, of […]
32% of MENA Internet users buy online

Hampered by a lack of online payment infrastructure and the high cost of broadband, e-commerce has been slow to develop in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and although there are some notable e-commerce pioneers, few online ventures in the region encourage Internet users to buy online. However, as the region’s consumers spend more […]
Facebook adds 1 million more Arabic users
Facebook’s Arabic platform has added 1 million new users during the past three months, showing important trends in Facebook’s changing MENA demographics.
Ramadan Kareem – رمضان كريم
نهنّئكم بحلول الشهر المبارك ونتمنى أن يحلّ عليكم باليُمن والبركة Best wishes to you and your family for the holy month of Ramadan.
Media consumption & habits of MENA Internet users

Scroll down the page for survey download links The figures in our new Media Consumption & Habits of MENA Internet Users Survey simply confirm what everyone involved in the Middle East’s growing digital marketing industry has already been talking about for the past year or two: Internet connectivity has become pervasive amongst many of our […]