Carrington Malin
Carrington Malin is co-founder of Spot On and has been managing sales, marketing, media and communications campaigns across the Middle East for more than 20 years. He likes technology, surfing and chicken liver salad. You can contact Carrington via Twitter at @carringtonmalin or via his website www.carringtonmalin.com
Carrington Malin's Latest Posts
Spirit of the Arab world

It’s that time of year when digital companies all over the world punt annual sum-up reports in an attempt to generate some nice end-of-year publicity (watch out for ours!). Google’s popular Zeitgeist online report on popular search terms has just been published and it makes interesting reading for those watching search trends and online behaviour. However, […]
Honest statistics

As any politician, publicist or PR person knows, one can prove absolutely anything with statistics! And in a region, such as ours, where reliable statistics for many things are so hard to come by, people certainly try! As veteran journalist and long-term UAE resident Peter Hellyer rightly says in Tuesday’s National newspaper, scarcely a week […]
Ecommerce in the Middle East
Last week’s Dubai Eye radio #Unwired digital programme featured a special segment on ecommerce in the Middle East featuring Spot On PR’s Alexander McNabb; Rama Chakaki, Partner at Baraka Ventures (@rchakaki on Twitter); Sonia Sultan, director of brand partnerships and marketing collaboration at Glambox; Monica Debowski, director of operations for Glambox (@Mmmon); Omar Kassim, CEO […]